The terraces of hotels, restaurants or bars can be enclosed in order to be protected from strong solar rays, rain, wind or snow. This type of hospitality businesses will gain value enclosing their terraces with LITRA USA Sunrooms. The business owner will profit from this investment because the clients will be more attracted to a safe place with a new design. When you host your customers outside in completely safeness, not eliminating the pleasure of enjoying the nature around, you will make them to love the place and gladly return.
With the transparency of the covering material, the LITRA usa sunrooms meet the preferences of the clients in any season because the pleasure of admiring the natural surroundings in any weather conditions is a desired benefit of many people today. It is comfortable to watch outside the landscape in rainy or snowy days when you stay relaxed in a safe place. You can make for you or for your clients this kind of places in the simplest way because our retractable sunrooms are the simplest solution for the adverse weather problems.

The fact that the sunrooms can make the open spaces to function in cold weather will draw the attention of business owners. Why not to get more profits in winter too like you do in summer season. With our sunrooms nj and Sunroom NY you can reach this goal.
Your needs will be satisfied with our sunrooms because they are of high quality and they are equipped with the highest technologies in the world. Our team worked for years to make researches and put all the results together in new products that presently are the most competitive on the market by their performance. All our discoveries are internationally patented and represent the guarantee for the quality of our product. With the patent that we holds, our product makes radically the difference.
Our sunrooms are custom made for every place and any requirement of the clients. We have available different options at your choice: very strong transparent PVC or polycarbonate for the covering material, retractable roof, removable lateral panels, snow melting device for the roof, insulation for the roof and panels and so on.
The snow is no more a problem because our retractable roof systems support heavy snow load. Concerning the wind menace, the system is able to resist to strong winds and medium intensity earthquakes.
Our company is able to manufacture and install sunrooms for residential and also for commercial applications.
The sunrooms are retractable and motorized that make them very easy to operate clicking very simply in a control panel or remote control.
You can use with confidence our sunrooms all year round.
Their advantages and benefits will convince you to choose them. You have only to test them! Contact Us for a Free Estimate Now at 9735190101